For anyone feeling even slightly ill, and planing on visiting the country of China anytime soon, think twice! The country is implementing a new "quarantine" rule stating that any travelers with "flu-like symptoms" could face a 7 day quarantine. CNN is reporting that the mayor of New Orleans was recently quarantined on his trip to China.
Even passengers who were sitting close to someone who tested positive for the H1N1 virus could face quarantine, whether they show symptoms or not. Worst of all, if you are traveling with children and one of them tests positive for the virus, and you do not, you will be separated from the child while he/she is quarantined. During this quarantine, your child could be given medications without your consent.
So, if anything is to be learned here it is that China takes this virus very seriously and is trying very hard to keep it from spreading in their country. So for the meantime, if it is at all possible, try to avoid China all-together. And if that is not a possibility, then make sure you prepare yourself for the possibility of a week long quarantine.